Thursday, November 5, 2009

Pregnancy Hot Flashes

It is assumed that only women going through menopause have hot flashes. There are some medical conditions such as low blood pressure, low blood sugar and hyperthyroidism, that cause hot flashes. Male hot flashes in prostate cancer patients are common. Some pregnant women suffer from hot flashes.

During pregnancy, estrogen levels tend to fluctuate in some women. Even among women in menopause, where 75% suffer from hot flashes, it is not the level of estrogen or otherHormones that cause the problem, but the fluctuating hormone levels. Hot flashes are a hot sensation on the neck and face, so that the face is red, and may be accompanied by sweating, dizziness, headaches and palpitations. They last from a few seconds up to an hour. One of the main causes of hot flashes is stress and anxiety. Pregnant women have a lot of anxiety.

If the hot flashes are mild, simple changes to help manage the behavior patterns of the problem. Avoid spicy foods,Alcohol, caffeine, smoking, diet pills and hot environments can eliminate or reduce the intensity of hot flashes. Exercise, as advised by a doctor who helps a lot. A moderate attack flashes needs more attention. In addition to lifestyle changes, herbs, acupuncture and mild over-the-counter medication helps to prevent severe hot flashes. All medication taken by a pregnant woman must be with the consent of the physician.

In a severe case of hot flashes, a pregnant womanhas a problem that will not have a clear treatment. A woman after the menopause, hormone therapy may opt for severe hot flashes. But a pregnant woman can not have him, as the estrogen can cause a miscarriage. Some antidepressants such as clodinine methyldopa and are also not recommended for pregnant women because they get into the fetal bloodstream.

So the few pregnant women have hot flashes, be very cautious to stop their behavior does not trigger that startsProblem. They have more confidence in the exercise, relaxation techniques and a calm, peaceful spirit.

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